Wednesday, October 12, 2011

To be or not to be

I called my doctor day. I am waiting for her to call me back. I have an appointment to see her in a weeks time, but I had a petscan yesterday and I know the results are sitting in her office somewhere. It seems that my ability to concentrate is directly connected to the results sitting on her desk; or rather my lack of knowledge concerning the results sitting on her desk.

People are talking to me, about important work matters I'm sure, and I am catching about every 2 out of 7 words. My forehead is creased and I try to look like I'm paying attention.

The receptionist acted like what I was asking is frowned upon. For freaks sake, I'm a grown woman and I need to know how I will be getting on with my life, with cancer or without cancer. Just tell me.

I'll keep you posted. If you watch the news and a receptionist in Houston has been strangled, it wasn't me.


Cristina said...

Hi Susan,
How so very cruel, when you MUST have been counting the days to today, that you should have to deal instead with that utter moron of a receptionist and still more waiting.
Don't loose sight of the name yoursef have given to your blog: it's really wonderful, so strong and empowering.
Hang on to that little phrase while you are doing your waiting!

And, most of all, I wish you a result to give utter joy and relief.

Sending you virtual warm hugs from the other side of the pond from deep in the Kentish countryside. Cristina :) XX

susan* said...

Cristina, Thank you so much for reminding me. You are so very right. Also, I am circumventing the doctor and getting my results directly from the imagery center. They should be in tomorrow's mail. :) - susan