Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well I got on the computer this morning and none of my bloggers have anything for me to read today! So now I have to write something instead! I am falling asleep as my deskjob is quite dull today. Entering numbers, I do the math in my head just to keep my skills up and keep me awake, but my eyelids are drooping. So I look at my music library and I select this little ditty to pick me up and get me motivated :)
What I find wonderfully funny about this is that I've never seen this video. I have the song in my collection and I love it, it really does pick me up. But when I went on youtube to share the song with you, I saw the video for the first time and well, it's a little depressing! Isn't it funny how people interpret music differently? I think I'll stick to my non-video version : )


Sara Louise said...

I'm with you, I like to make my own little music videos up in my head. Usually starring me! :-)

susan* said...

Sara, I'm sure in the near future we will be able to put our own videos on our computers straight out of our head! Won't that be fun to share! <> :)