Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Woman Credits Vaginal Removal for Bright Christmas [Listen] | News 92 FM

I've recently done an interview on Houston Radio regarding my surgery last December. It's my first experience with such a thing and for twenty minutes of interviewing, this is what aired:

Woman Credits Vaginal Removal for Bright Christmas [Listen] | News 92 FM

Now I have to say the title gave me fits of laughter. I hate to give you my visual but it involved my legs spread wide with a christmas star shining bright from the void that was once my vagina. I am giggling right now as I type this. Cracks me up.

Okay, but in reality, if anyone is interested, I actually have a vagina. I call it a Million Dollar Vagina. Oh yeah.

If you have any questions, feel free. I'm all about sharing the information. Next month is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and I have a give away. If you are interested in getting in on the fun, then when you go to the interview link, click on the tweet it or the facebook share it and encourage your friends and followers to get their annual pap smear and follow up on the results. Let me know you've done this and I will put your name in for a special drawing at the end of January.

Oh and stay tuned for another interview...this time t.v.! Can't wait to see the headline on the next one!

peace and love

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